Monday, June 1, 2009

Black Holes

View Videos about Black Holes, Dark Matter ,Time Travel ,etc.

Dark Energy
Some Physicists have come up with a theory that dark energy is related to vacuum energy, the underlying background energy of empty space. Quantum mechanics predicts that a vacuum – such as space – is dotted with 'virtual particles' that pop in and out of existence. This sub-atomic activity could be the key to dark energy. If so, it should be possible to test the researchers' theory by studying changes in the expansion rate of the universe.

Global Food Security
Climate change, resurgent diseases and a growing population are all having an impact on global food security. Scientists are helping collect seeds to store in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway.
Nicknamed the "doomsday vault", the facility is built 130 m down inside an Arctic mountain. With its remote location and constant cold temperatures, the vault is designed to outlast anything from a nuclear blast to severe climate change.

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